Build-to-Rent in Australia

We are always looking for ways to increase access to affordable and diverse housing for our communities. Build-to-Rent (BtR) is an emerging asset class that has proven success in the United Kingdom and United States. Led by the University of New South Wales and Macquarie University, and with contributions from University of Technology Sydney and London School of Economics, Landcom funded research (see Research Investment) to critically evaluate the potential of BtR to deliver affordable housing in the Australian market.

The research examined international case studies in the United Kingdom and United States that incorporate affordable rental opportunities and how BtR could fit within the Australian State and Federal policy and taxation environment.

The research found that current Australian housing conditions and policy settings constrain the potential of BtR to directly address housing affordability in Australia, but BtR does support increased housing diversity, an important Landcom objective, as well as providing a more secure form of private rental housing.

Other Case Studies